§72,上喉頭動脈,sup. laryngeal a ,顔面動脈,facial a ,舌動脈,lingual a ,頚動脈小体,carotid body ,頚動脈洞,carotid sinus ,椎前隙,prevertebral space ,後環椎後頭膜,post. atlanto-occipital membrane ,黄色靭帯,ligamentum flavum ,大後頭孔,foramen magnum ,後縦靭帯,post. longitudinal ligament ,蓋膜,tectorial membrane ,硬膜上腔,epidural space ,環椎十字靭帯,cruciform ligament of atlas ,歯突起,dens ,頚長筋,longus colli m ,歯尖靭帯,apical ligament of dens ,翼状靭帯,alar ligament ,環椎後頭関節,atlanto-occipital joint §73,眼窩,orbit ,眉,eyebrow ,眉間,glabella ,頬骨弓,zygomatic arch ,顔面表情筋,muscles of facial expression ,皮筋,cutaneous m ,口輪筋,orbicularis oris m ,顔面静脈,facial v ,眼輪筋,orbicularis oculi m ,眼角動静脈,angular a & v ,鼻尖,apex of nose ,鼻翼,nasal ala ,前頭筋,frontal belly of occipital frontalis m ,帽状腱膜,epicranial aponeurosis ,頭毛,head hair ,後頭筋,occipital belly of occipital frontalis m ,外耳,external ear ,浅側頭動静脈,superficial temporal a & v ,耳介側頭神経,auriculotemporal n ,耳介,auricle ,外耳介筋群,extrinsic auricular muscles ,耳下腺リンパ節,parotid lymph nodes ,耳下腺管,parotid duct ,頬筋,buccinator m ,頬脂肪体,sucking pad ,下顎後静脈,retromandibular v ,顎二頭筋の後腹,post. belly of digastric m ,前腹,ant. belly ,茎突舌骨筋,stylohyoid m ,顎下三角,submandibular triangle ,顎舌骨筋神経,mylohyoid n ,顎舌骨筋,mylohyoid m ,口腔隔膜,oral diaphragm ,舌下神経,hypoglossal n ,舌静脈,lingual v ,オトガイ舌骨筋,geniohyoid m ,舌骨舌筋,hyoglossus m ,顎骨弓,mandibular arch ,舌骨弓,hyoid arch §74,下神経節,inferior ganglion ,茎突咽頭筋,stylopharyngeus m ,舌咽神経,glossopharyngeal n ,咽頭神経叢,pharyngeal plexus ,茎突舌骨靭帯,stylohyoid ligament ,上頚神経節,sup. cervical ganglion ,内頚動脈神経,internal carotid n ,上行咽頭動脈,ascending pharyngeal a ,後頭動脈,occipital a ,咽頭縫線,pharyngeal raphe ,上喉頭神経,sup. laryngeal n ,上喉頭静脈,sup. laryngeal v ,甲状舌骨膜,thyrohyoid membrane ,咽頭,pharynx ,咽頭円蓋,fornix of pharynx ,咽頭扁桃,pharyngeal tonsil ,咽頭腔,pharyngeal cavity , 鼻部, nasopharynx or nasal pharynx , 口部, oral pharynx , 喉頭部, laryngeal pharynx ,後鼻孔,choana ,鼻中隔,nasal septum ,口峡,fauces ,舌根,root of tongue ,有郭乳頭,vallate papillae ,分界溝,terminal groove ,盲孔,foramen cecum ,舌扁桃,lingual tonsil ,口蓋舌弓,palatoglossal arch ,口蓋咽頭弓,palatopharyngeal arch ,口蓋扁桃,palatine tonsil ,口峡峡部,isthmus of fauces ,口蓋垂,uvula ,口蓋帆,velum palatinum ,喉頭蓋,epiglottis ,ワルダイエル咽頭輪,Waldeyer's tonsillar ring ,披裂喉頭蓋ひだ,aryepiglottic fold ,梨状陥凹,piriform recess §75,外枝,external branch ,輪状甲状筋,cricothyroid m ,内枝,internal branch ,錐体葉,pyramidal lobe ,甲状腺挙筋,levator muscle of thyroid gland ,輪状軟骨,cricoid cartilage ,小葉,lobules ,小胞,follicles ,コロイド,colloid ,気管軟骨,tracheal cartilages ,気管腺,tracheal glands §76,喉頭,larynx ,喉頭腔,laryngeal cavity ,喉頭前庭,vestibule of larynx ,前庭ひだ(仮声帯),vestibular fold(false vocal cord) ,声帯ひだ(声帯),vocal fold(vocal cord) ,声門裂,rima of glottis ,声門,glottis ,喉頭蓋軟骨,epiglottic cartilage ,上角,sup. horn ,下角,inf. horn ,輪状甲状関節,cricothyroid joint ,披裂軟骨,arytenoid cartilage ,後輪状披裂筋,post. cricoarytenoid m ,披裂筋,arytenoid m ,外側輪状披裂筋,lateral cricoarytenoid m ,甲状披裂筋,thyroarytenoid m ,声帯筋,vocalis m ,弾性円錐,conus elasticus ,声帯靭帯,vocal ligament ,喉頭室,laryngeal ventricle ,モルガニ洞,Morgagni's ventricle ,声帯突起,vocal process ,小角軟骨,corniculate cartilage ,輪状披裂関節,cricoarytenoid joint §77,脳硬膜,cranial dura mater ,上矢状静脈洞,sup. sagittal sinus ,大脳鎌,falx cerebri ,嗅球,olfactory bulb ,小脳テント,tentorium cerebelli ,小脳,cerebellum §78,クモ膜顆粒(パキオニ顆粒),arachnoid granulations(Pacchionian bodies) ,トルコ鞍,sella turcica ,鶏冠,crista galli ,篩板,cribriform plate ,下垂体,pituitary gland ,漏斗,infundibulum ,視神経,optic n ,動眼神経,oculomotor n ,三叉神経,trigeminal n ,外転神経,abducens n ,内耳神経,eighth n ,中硬膜動静脈,middle meningeal a & v ,硬膜静脈洞,dural sinuses ,上大脳静脈,sup. cerebral veins ,下矢状静脈洞,inf. sagittal sinus ,大大脳静脈,great cerebral v ,直静脈洞,straight sinus ,横静脈洞,transverse sinus ,S状静脈洞,sigmoid sinus ,上錐体静脈洞,sup. petrosal sinus ,海綿静脈洞,cavernous sinus ,下錐体静脈洞,inf. petrosal sinus ,海綿間静脈洞,intercavernous sinuses ,滑車神経,trochlear n ,三叉神経節,trigeminal ganglion ,眼神経,ophthalmic n ,上顎神経,maxillary n ,下顎神経,mandibular n ,運動根,motor root ,大錐体神経,greater petrosal n ,小錐体神経,lesser petrosal n ,前葉,ant. lobe ,後葉,post. lobe ,中間部,intermediate part ,漏斗部,infundibular part §79,口腔,oral cavity ,口腔前庭,oral vestibule ,固有口腔,oral cavity proper ,赤唇縁,vermilion border ,硬口蓋,hard palate ,軟口蓋,soft palate ,舌,tongue ,舌尖,tip of tongue ,舌体,body of tongue ,舌背,dorsum of tongue ,舌乳頭,lingual papillae ,茸状乳頭,fungiform papillae ,葉状乳頭,foliate papillae ,糸状乳頭,filiform papillae ,舌小帯,frenulum of tongue ,舌静脈,lingual v ,舌下ひだ,sublingual fold ,舌下小丘,caruncula sublingualis ,オトガイ舌筋,genioglossus m ,舌腱膜,lingual aponeurosis ,外舌筋,extrinsic lingual muscles ,内舌筋,intrinsic lingual muscles ,舌下腺,sublingual gland ,大舌下腺管,major sublingual duct ,顎下腺管,submandibular duct ,舌神経,lingual n ,舌下動静脈,sublingual a & v §80,嗅神経,olfactory nerves ,前・後篩骨動静脈,ant. & post. ethmoidal a & v ,鼻口蓋神経,nasopalatine n ,キーセルバッハ部位,Kiesselbach's area ,リトル部位,Little's area ,外鼻孔,nostril ,鼻前庭,nasal vestibule ,鼻毛,nasal hair ,上・中・下鼻甲介,"sup.,middle & inf. conchae" ,上・中・下鼻道,"sup.,middle & inf. meatuses" ,鼻咽道,nasopharyngeal meatus ,総鼻道,common nasal meatus ,嗅部,olfactory region ,呼吸部,respiratory region ,副鼻腔,paranasal sinuses ,蝶形骨洞,sphenoidal sinus ,前頭洞,frontal sinus ,耳管,auditory or Eustachian tube ,耳管咽頭口,pharyngeal orifice ,耳管隆起,torus tubarius ,挙筋隆起,torus levatorius ,耳管咽頭ひだ,salpingopharyngeal fold ,口蓋帆挙筋,levator veli palatini m ,口蓋咽頭筋,palatopharyngeus m ,口蓋舌筋,palatoglossus m ,口蓋帆張筋,tensor veli palatini m ,上咽頭収縮筋,sup. constrictor of pharynx §81,咀嚼筋,muscles of mastication ,咬筋筋膜,masseteric fascia ,咬筋,masseter m ,側頭筋膜,temporal fascia ,側頭筋,temporalis m ,中側頭動脈,middle temporal a ,筋突起,coronoid process ,顎動脈,maxillary a ,翼突筋静脈叢,pterygoid plexus ,深側頭動脈,deep temporal arteries ,頬動脈,buccal a ,後上歯槽動脈,post. sup. alveolar a ,眼窩下動脈,infraorbital a ,外側翼突筋,lateral pterygoid m ,内側翼突筋,medial pterygoid m ,下歯槽動静脈・神経,"inf. alveolar a, v & n" ,下顎管,mandibular canal ,オトガイ動静脈,mental a & v ,オトガイ神経,mental n §82,顎関節,mandibular joint ,関節円板,articular disk ,蝶下顎靭帯,sphenomandibular ligament ,鼓索神経,chorda tympani ,頬神経,buccal n ,茎突下顎靭帯,stylomandibular ligament ,茎突舌筋,styloglossus m ,顎下神経節,submandibular ganglion ,舌下部神経,sublingual n ,切歯,incisors ,犬歯,canine ,小臼歯,premolars ,大臼歯,molars ,歯肉,gingiva(ラテン語) ,歯槽,tooth socket ,歯根,dental root §83,前舌腺,ant. lingual gland ,口蓋腺,palatine glands ,翼突鈎,pterygoid hamulus ,小口蓋動脈,lesser palatine arteries ,小口蓋神経,lesser palatine nerves ,大口蓋動脈,greater palatine a ,大口蓋神経,greater palatine n ,切歯孔,incisive foramen §84,前篩骨神経,ant. ethmoidal n ,蝶口蓋動脈,sphenopalatine a ,上唇動脈,sup. labial a ,篩骨洞,ethmoidal sinus ,篩骨胞,ethmoidal bulla ,篩骨洞の中部,middle ethmoidal air cells ,半月裂孔,semilunar hiatus ,上顎洞,maxillary sinus ,篩骨洞の前部,ant. ethmoidal air cells ,篩骨洞の後部,post. ethmoidal air cells ,鼻涙管,nasolacrimal duct ,大口蓋管,greater palatine canal ,下行口蓋動脈,descending palatine a ,翼口蓋神経節,pterygopalatine ganglion §85,眼瞼,upper & lower eyelids ,睫毛,eyelashes ,眼瞼結膜,palpebral conjunctiva ,上結膜円蓋,sup. conjunctival fornix ,眼球結膜,bulbar conjunctiva ,強膜,sclera ,角膜,cornea ,涙乳頭,lacrimal papilla ,涙点,lacrimal pore ,内側眼瞼靭帯,medial palpebral ligament ,涙嚢,lacrimal sac ,瞼板,tarsal plate ,瞼板線(マイボーム腺),tarsal gland(Meibomian gland) ,眼窩隔膜,orbital septum ,上眼瞼挙筋,levator palpebrae superioris m ,テノン鞘,Tenon's capsule ,テノン腔,Tenon's space ,涙腺,lacrimal gland §86,眼窩骨膜,orbital periosteum ,眼窩脂肪体,orbital fat pad ,前頭神経,frontal n ,上直筋,sup. rectus m ,上斜筋,sup. oblique m ,鼻毛様体神経,nasociliary n ,眼動静脈,ophthalmic a & v ,内側直筋,medial rectus m ,涙腺神経,lacrimal n ,涙腺動脈,lacrimal a ,外側直筋,lateral rectus m ,長毛様体神経,long ciliary nerves ,毛様体神経節,ciliary ganglion ,短毛様体神経,short ciliary nerves ,総腱輪,fibrous cuff ,眼窩漏斗部,orbital apex ,網膜中心動脈,central retinal a ,下直筋,inf. rectus m ,下斜筋,inf. oblique m ,渦静脈,vorticose veins §87,滑車,trochlea ,前極,ant. pole ,後極,post. pole ,赤道,equator ,硝子体,vitreous body ,眼底,fundus of eyeball ,網膜,retina ,視神経円板(視神経乳頭),optic disk(optic papilla) ,中心窩,central pit ,黄斑,macula lutea ,水晶体,lens ,毛様体,ciliary body ,網膜の視部,optic part of retina ,鋸状縁,ora serrata ,毛様体突起,ciliary processes ,虹彩,iris ,瞳孔,pupil ,脈絡膜,chorioid or choroid ,毛様小帯,ciliary zonule ,水晶体繊維,lens fibers ,水晶体包,capsule of lens ,水晶体皮質,cortex of lens ,水晶体核,nucleus of lens ,前眼房,ant. chamber ,後眼房,post. chamber ,葡萄膜,uvea ,眼窩下溝,infraorbital groove ,眼窩下神経,infraorbital n ,眼窩下管,infraorbital canal ,眼窩下孔,infraorbital foramen ,鼻根,nasal root ,外鼻,external nose §88,舌下神経管,hypoglossal canal ,神経上膜,epineurium ,頚静脈孔,jugular foramen ,上神経節,sup. or jugular ganglion ,頚静脈上球,sup. bulb ,鼓室神経,tympanic n §89,外耳孔,opening of external acoustic meatus ,外耳道,external acoustic meatus ,耳輪,helix ,舟状窩,scaphoid fossa ,対輪,antihelix ,対珠,antitragus ,耳珠,tragus ,耳甲介,concha ,耳垂,ear-lobe ,鼓膜,tympanic membrane ,鼓膜臍,umbo ,つち骨条,mallear stria ,つち骨隆起,mallear prominence ,弛緩部,pars flaccida ,緊張部,pars tensa ,乳突蜂巣,mastoid air cells ,皮膚層,cutaneous layer ,粘膜層,mucous layer ,中耳(鼓室),middle ear(tympanic cavity) ,つち骨,malleus ,きぬた骨,incus ,岬角,promontory ,蝸牛窓,round window ,第2鼓膜,2nd tympanic membrane ,耳管鼓室口,tympanic orifice ,鼓膜張筋,tensor tympani m ,耳管峡,isthmus ,あぶみ骨,stapes ,あぶみ骨筋,stapedius m ,乳突洞,mastoid antrum ,鼓室上陥凹,epitympanic recess §90,内耳道,internal acoustic meatus ,内耳孔,opening of internal acoustic meatus ,錐体,pyramid ,骨迷路,osseous labyrinth ,骨半規管,bony semicircular canals ,蝸牛,cochlea ,前庭,vestibule ,前半規管,ant. semicircular canal ,後半規管,post. semicircular canal ,外側半規管,lateral semicircular canal ,膜迷路,membranous labyrinth ,膝神経節,geniculate ganglion ,卵形嚢膨大部神経,utriculoampullar n ,蝸牛神経,cochlear n ,球形嚢神経,saccular n ,後膨大部神経,post. ampullar n ,蝸牛軸,modiolus(ラテン語) ,蝸牛らせん管,spiral canal ,あぶみ骨輪状靭帯,annular ligament of the stapes ,前庭窓,oval window §91,翼突管,pterygoid canal ,翼突管神経(ヒディウス神経),nerve of pterygoid canal(Vidian n) ,頚動脈管,carotid canal ,深錐体神経,deep petrosal n ,内頚動脈神経叢,internal carotid plexus ,卵円孔,foramen ovale ,耳神経節,otic ganglion